White Crystal Fosroc Hydroproof Xtra Chemical


Seller : Swastik Traders
Brand : White Crystal Fosroc Hydroproof Xtra Chemical
Usage : White Crystal Fosroc Hydroproof Xtra Chemical
Quantity : Bag
Selling Price: ₹140
MRP : ₹ 220
  • Logistics charges to be borne by supplier
  • Unloading the material to be the responsibility of the buyer.
  • Quality tested & Highly adhesive.
  • Smoother finish and high resistance to seepage.
  • Higher resistance to ‘cracking’ due to low heat-of-hydration.



  • Non - toxic, non-fl ammable and user friendly
  • Provides a tough, impermeable waterproof membrane
  • Can be applied by brush, on horizontal and vertical surfaces
  • Excellent adhesion to concrete and masonry surfaces
  • Packaging Size: 0.5, 1, 5 & 20 L packs


  • Priming coat - 16-17m2 / L
  • Topcoat - 4.5 - 5.0m2 / L / coat

Fosroc Waterproffing Chemical is formulated to be mixed with cement on site or simply brush applied over concrete or masonry surfaces to provide an effective waterproof membrane.

Non - toxic, non-flammable and user friendly

Provides a tough, impermeable waterproof membrane

Can be applied by brush, on horizontal and vertical surfaces

Excellent adhesion to concrete and masonry surfaces

Protects concrete and mortar from natural elements such as wind, rain, sunlight

Breathable - allows inside water vapour to escape
Hydroproof Xtra is formulated to be mixed with cement on site or simply brush applied over concrete or masonry surfaces to provide an effective waterproof membrane


  • Non - toxic, non-fl ammable and user friendly
  • Provides a tough, impermeable waterproof membrane
  • Can be applied by brush, on horizontal and vertical surfaces
  • Excellent adhesion to concrete and masonry surfaces
  • Packaging Size: 0.5, 1, 5 & 20 L packs


  • Priming coat - 16-17m2 / L
  • Topcoat - 4.5 - 5.0m2 / L / coat

Fosroc Waterproffing Chemical is formulated to be mixed with cement on site or simply brush applied over concrete or masonry surfaces to provide an effective waterproof membrane.

Non - toxic, non-flammable and user friendly

Provides a tough, impermeable waterproof membrane

Can be applied by brush, on horizontal and vertical surfaces

Excellent adhesion to concrete and masonry surfaces

Protects concrete and mortar from natural elements such as wind, rain, sunlight

Breathable - allows inside water vapour to escape
Hydroproof Xtra is formulated to be mixed with cement on site or simply brush applied over concrete or masonry surfaces to provide an effective waterproof membrane
